วันจันทร์ที่ 21 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Social Stratification In United States

Social Stratification:

When we speak of social stratification refers to the inequality among different groups of people. Inequality exists in all types of societies and cultures. Consists of layers of societies that are hierarchical.

The four basic stratification systems are:

1) Slavery

2) Caste

3) Real Estate

4) class.

Stratification systems of slavery, caste and estate have been demolished in modern societies, with the exception of some strainsSocieties.

The social class system is primarily a description of how the scarce resources (wealth, income, education and occupation) are distributed in society. In other words, class could fill the positions as a reference to a person within the company, positions that are not equal.Thus to the analysis of social classes in a society where it is necessary to explain to explain that, how to allocate these funds and the social classes.

Despite the fact that some scientistsargue that has in the developed countries, the disparity reduced rather than in earlier societies, but rather, social stratification, inequality and class struggle today faster and faster. In the United States, inequality between rich and poor has increased to the extent that the gap between them is greater than any point in the past 75 years. United States has the greatest wealth of any industrialized nation, disparities in the world, and this gap is widening every year.

In the United States,Income is of course an important scarce resource. Of course it is professional, provides income, and it is education that determines the type of activity. At the level much more is the income for life consequences, such as the quality and quantity of education, health care and housing is obtained, and even how long you live. So there are connections between requests to each of these sources.

in the United States individual income depends on education --Properties, and by 2005 most people with doctorate and professional degrees were in the top 15% of income recipients. Those bachelor's degrees had incomes well above the national average incomes and people with higher education had less income.

Is worth noting that while the population of the United States will always, always formed at all levels, is the striking correlation between income and educational level.
Another point is that higher education is rarely free;Elite education in private universities for a four-year program will cost approximately $ 120,000. While the state colleges and universities will cost much less, but they are not free. Grants and soft loans from the government and universities are also available, but still the cost of education is high for many people.

Overall, the level of education serves as a major class feature of most Americans, is directly linked to income and employment.

On the one hand, professionalStatus is a result of the educational, personal or family income and on the other side defines the access to other resources such as income and health.
Low-paying jobs to people with less education have combined. The workers are skilled in these areas because it does not require training to carry out this work. But white-collar jobs require more human capital, skills and knowledge and hence to higher incomes. In higher education it is more likely toone to occupy a professional level job, where he or she can achieve a higher income. Therefore, those with less education are more likely to be working in low-wage jobs.

Each individual working times influences on the lifestyle, income and prestige gained from one job to determine the living environment, the type of food, medical care, type of social networking, entertainment, leisure, and behavior.

It is the building makes that upper-middle, middle and lower average values in the workplaceSpectrum, unskilled workers, workers with less than seven years of schooling, those graduating from high school, graduate, licentiate, MS owners, professionals and experts with different opinions of professional doctorates in the spectrum. While, therefore, not possible to identify all functions and positions in society, with work, is the job role of the main features of status in the United States.

Another feature of the position of an individual determined in the society isWealth. Wealth is what saved the people of their own assets such as houses, cars, stocks, shares, money, and countries.

While the United States is the second county in the rich world, is the unfair distribution of wealth. The top 1% of the population are 38% of the wealth, 10% of the population had 71% of the wealth and on the other side of the bottom 40% owned less than 1% of the wealth of the country.

Overall, the distribution of wealth is (much more than the unequal distribution of income that people receivein the course of a year) through work.

) After these basic elements (income, wealth, occupation and education, which determine the social class of individuals and households who believe the Americans in three-class model, the rich, the middle class and the poor, while in reality the U.S. is society that includes diverse, economically and sociologically. This means that there is no clear distinction between class socio-economic strata.

Social mobility:

The mainConcept in a class system of stratification is social mobility. In the class system, social stratification on both birth and individual performance is based, personal achievement is becoming increasingly important. Indeed, industrial societies is step towards meritocracy and in this type of company status consistency lower than in other types of companies. Since the company more competitive and more performance-some elements such as energy, social skills, character, ambition, physical attractiveness,Talent and luck plays big role in social mobility and the changing social position.

The question now is that "How have much mobility Americans experienced in their lives?"
Social mobility refers to changes in social position that occur during the lifetime of a person. There are two ways to study social mobility, intragenerational mobility and mobility between generations.
The first concept that we are up and down movement in the social advancement and a second, we refer to the topand down the social hierarchy, compared with the previous generation.

To explain occupational mobility, in particular), researchers focus on father-child or household head-child occupational persistence (mobility between generations.

If we distinguish six general occupational groups, including the top professional or manager, lower professional and clerical, professionals, technical or craft, farm, unskilled laborers and service in the United States, including men whoBorn in 1950, 32 percent of the men were immobile (their activity in the same category as her father), were 37 percent intermediate, and 32 percent were moving downward. On women, the data show that 27 percent were immobile, 46 percent were intermediate, and 28 percent downward move. Then, work as a descent and ascent was more frequent comparisons with other industrialized countries, the occupational mobility in the United States is relativelyhigh.

According to studies, was intergenerational elasticity (IGE) in earnings between fathers and sons, an estimated 0.4 or higher. Totally real link between parents and children, income is high.

Wealth mobility is quite different from operating income and mobility, at first, wealth is important because the distribution is more unequal than the distribution of income and on the other hand, it is affecting other aspects of family well-being, especially homeownership andInvesting in the education of children. There is also substantial intergenerational persistence in family wealth and the correlation in the vicinity of 0.50. The difference in wealth between generations. Thus, people who have lost a fortune chances. As an example, large families may set inherited in better neighborhoods and school districts than they could afford it if they rely only on their income.

Social class in the United States is by personPerformance, as I said, occupation, educational attainment and earnings can be acquired and improved through a lifetime, but it is undeniable that the rich have more money, more education, better jobs, better health and longer consume.

In conclusion, we should say that without the concept of social stratification, it is impossible to understand people's behavior, because the social class determines every aspect of our lives ...., our happiness, our religious beliefs, our customs, ourInterests and hobbies, our health and even how long we live and our life style perfectly.

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